The Drustrup Website - Per Drustrup Larsen, Buurholtvej 47, DK-9700 Broenderslev, Denmark - per@drustrup.com

Mysteries to be solved

The following records in chronological order of persons with the name Drustrup needs to be researched further. I hope to get the time to look into these mysteries, but if anyone will do so, it would be fine.

The records no. 1-4 needs looking into because the name Drustrup appears earlier, than it was made an official family name, in order to find out, who else has used the name, and if the persons are related to the Drustrups we know of.

No. 5 needs to be examined in the church records to find out, if it is true, that Maren Poulsen Myrtue and Jens Joergen Nielsen Drustrup had a 8th child beside the 7 known children. (Read more about the family here)

No. 6 should be the easy one, although the person (gender not shown in the records) is unknown in both family lines I had found at the present time.

Christian Daniel Drustrup
Marriage: January 8th 1788 in Garnisons Sogn, København, Denmark to Marianne Kiær

Lauritz Drustrup
Married April 11th 1788 of Odense, Denmark to Dorothea Mette Magrethe Von Haven

Niels Christensen Drustrup; 1746 - 1809; Saltum, Hjørring Amt
and his name and another related name- probably his sons appear in other recordings too for teh period 1796-1840 (This part is in danish only):
Christen Nielsen Drustrup
5. marts 1796 fol. 48b skifte efter indsidder Maren Nielsdatter hos Niels Christensen Drustrup i Sønder Saltum. Børn: Niels Christensen Drustrup i Sønder Saltum, Svend Christensen fra Green og Sidsel Christensdatter, gift med Christen Christensen i Alstrup.

25. apr. 1809 fol.186, 192 skifte efter gårdmand Niels Christensen Drustrup af Sønder Saltum, gift med Maren Nielsdatter, hvis laugværge er Jens Johnsen af Sønder Saltum. Deres børn: Christen, 27 år, i kongens tjeneste som dragon, Karen, 34 år, tjener i Trudslev, Gjertrud, 31 år, gift med Peder Jacobsen i Faarup, Anne, gift med gårdmand Anders Falk i Hjermeslev, Maren, 24 år, hjemme, Dorthe, 20 år, tjener Hr. Deichmann i Jerslev.

13. aug. 1831 fol. 316b husfæster Christen Nielsen Drustrups datter Anne Christensdatter, død 4 år gl.

20. marts 1837 fol. 343 fæstehusmand Christen Drustrups søn Niels Christensen af Sønder Saltum er død, 19 år gl.

14. maj 1840 fol. 377b husfæster Christen Nielsen Drustrups datter Birthe Marie af Sønder Saltum er død, 24 år gl.

Christen Drustrup
Born August 31st 1855. Christening: October 14th 1855 Saltum, Hjørring, Denmark
A child of Niels Christian Christensen and Mariane Mathiasdatter

A daughter of Jens Joergen Nielsen Drustrup and Maren Poulsen Myrtue.
Birth and death: About 1893 in Saltum, Hjørring, Denmark

J. Drustrup
Born September 8th 1944 and died July 15th 1989 in California, USA
Solved: It is Joyce, the 2. wife of John Michael (Mickey) Drustrup. more info here

Teodor Jensen Drustrup
According to the recordings at the emigration office at Ellis Island one Teodor Jensen Drustrup is registred as emigrant on May 8th 1906. His age is 15 years, and the birthplace is said to be Sindal - another town 40 40 kilometres from Saltum.

Source to mysteries 1,2,3,5,6,: www.familysearch.org
Made by The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

Sources to mystery 4:

Source to mystery 7: American Family Immigration History Center - www.ellisisland.org